Madison Global Partners manages investment portfolios where diversification is critical. We invest assets in publicly traded stock, bond and cash markets. We also use a wide array of ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds) and mutual funds to better complement an investors’ portfolio.
Proper planning often requires the inclusion of life and disability insurance as well as tax deferred annuities. Through numerous underwriting companies, we offer Variable Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Business Insurance (key man and buy-sell agreements), Variable Life Insurance, Survivorship Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Long Term Health Care.
As an independent firm, we are not influenced by proprietary product sales or corporate ties. But through our affiliate, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), we have broad access to research, operations and back office support.
Clearing services are provided by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Capital Markets). RBC is one of the most highly regarded companies in the securities business. Clients are afforded SIPC protection of securities up to $500,000 ($400,000 securities and $100,000 cash) and unlimited coverage provided by RBC for securities held in each account. Clients can also take advantage of our cash management accounts which offer Visa Gold Debit Card and check writing features.